The Best Way to Breathe

Breathing. There’s a good and better way to to it. I’m not talking about the breathing you do for exercise, training, yoga, whatever. I’m talking about everyday, normal, unconscious breathing.   The “good” way to do is just to do it. And that’s just because you get your Oxygen-Carbon Dioxide exchange that you need. If… read more

It’s been a long time….

It’s been a while….I know…I’m sorry! I definitely haven’t been on my A-Game when it comes to the tech side of Strength Therapy. I’m going to be checking in a little more frequently now, as part of my new commitment to the content-sharing part of this whole thing. Don’t worry, it most likely will be… read more

Morning Routine

How do your Mornings Set You Up for your Day? Have you noticed that how you spend your mornings can dictate how you feel for the rest of the day? It’s pretty cool…you can have complete control of your energy levels and even productivity and focus just by having a morning routine! You can choose… read more

Foot Strength

The muscles in your feet need to be used almost (if not just as much or more!) than the ones in your hands! There are many things you can do for your feet, but spending as much time barefoot is probably one of the best things you can do (go slowly if you’re used to… read more

Active vs Passive Range of Motion

Active vs Passive range of motion gives great insight to how much at risk of injury someone is in that range. Active ROM is how far your joint can move on its own (you do it yourself and have full control of, say, your leg in a straight leg raise).  Passive ROM is how far… read more

Invigorate Your Hands

Tired, tight hands? . Texting or typing too much? . Preparing for an upper-body heavy workout? . Or just have stiff hands, shoulders, or neck? . Your hands have the highest amount of proprioception (sensory input) in your body. . If they are only stuck doing the same movements regularly without other stimulation, they start… read more

Forgetting Your Senses and Emotions

Can you forget what various SENSATIONS and EMOTIONS feel like?? Incredibly, the answer is YES. When things in life become so overwhelming, everything can seem stressful. You can start interpreting everything as stressful. Every physiological change in your body. Every emotion. Every sensation. Digestion, muscles being used, happiness, heartbeat changes, hunger, sunlight… You can lose… read more

Happiness May Help You Sleep Better!!

Want a better night’s sleep? Having trouble falling asleep? Having weird or unpleasant dreams at night? Waking up in a bad mood? Try putting something positive in your brain before you go to bed!  When you sleep, your brain is still very active in recovering, processing, and building connections. Types of thoughts are very important… read more

Something to Chew on…

🔥 How much do you chew your food?? 🔥 One PRIME way to increase WEIGHT LOSS and DIGESTION health is to CHEW MORE!! We often forget that chewing (“mastication”) is part of the digestive system.  The less you chew, the more your stomach has to work to break down the solid food into mush, causing… read more