When should we be wearing masks?

I just read this article about a 26 y/o man in Wuhan who was trying to get back into running after being locked up for 2 months. He ran 4 km before he decided to go home (his goal was 6km). Shortly thereafter, he was rushed to the hospital, where they discovered he had a… read more

The Best Way to Breathe

Breathing. There’s a good and better way to to it. I’m not talking about the breathing you do for exercise, training, yoga, whatever. I’m talking about everyday, normal, unconscious breathing.   The “good” way to do is just to do it. And that’s just because you get your Oxygen-Carbon Dioxide exchange that you need. If… read more

Breathing Exercises To Promote Better Sleep — Pt. 1

Do you have trouble falling asleep? Do you regularly toss and turn and stare at the ceiling for what feels like hours before you finally lull off to dreamland? If so, you’re not alone. According to the American Sleep Association, about 50 – 70 million people in the United States suffer from chronic long-term sleep… read more

Breathing Exercises To Promote Better Sleep — Pt. 2

In our last article — Breathing Exercises To Promote Better Sleep — Pt. 1 — we looked at some breathing techniques to help promote relaxation and better sleep. Meditative breathing, alternating nostril breathing, and diaphragmatic breathing were all mentioned in this article, and if you have yet to check out, give it a quick glance… read more