As Seen On


Do you know the whole adventure story about Jackie?
One time she travelled to Taiwan, and just decided to stay there and start her career…

UDN Taiwan News

Jackie is a big fan and an expert in “PLAY”, she believes the PLAY benefits are way more than what we thought. Let’s watch her interview with PhysioChains, about her talking PLAY.

PhysioChains Interview

If you want to know more about how powerful PLAY can be, you definitely need to read this: Jackie is one of the guest movement specialist writers in this awesome “Parkinson’s Regeneration Training” Book

Parkinson’s Regeneration Training Book (contributor)

How did Jackie step into this fitness world? And what brought her from fitness to a founder of Strength Therapy? It is not a smooth road, but she made it!


After knowing a lot about Jackie’s story and the spirit of Strength Therapy, let’s learn some tips to get yourself better!


The Kokoro Movement Podcast 1

The Kokoro Movement Podcast 2

Jackie takes care of her physical as well as “emotional” body; a lot of times, our physical situations are affected by our emotions! Let’s watch her talking about self -helping in emotions in Movement Reborn Podcast.

Movement Reborn Podcast Guest Speaker 1
Movement Reborn Podcast Guest Speaker 2

13 awesome people in health and fitness professionals are chatting and sharing their thoughts and knowledge in Movement Reborn Podcast

Movement Reborn Podcast

The big goal in Strength Therapy is to teach people to take care of themselves. Let’s watch Jackie’s sharing in Therapy Tea Time Talk!
Physileap Podcast